Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Principles and Applications
Medical books : Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Principles and Applications
Edited by
Jamuna Rajeswaran
Associate Professor and Consultant
Clinical Neuropsychology Unit
Department of Clinical Psychology
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Principles and Applications
List of contributors ix
1 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Need and Scope 1
2 Computerized Cognitive Retraining Programs for
The BFT Program Modules 17
Findings with BFT-Based Cognitive Retraining 19
Retraining for Restoration of Attention 19
Retraining of Working Memory 21
Visuospatial Analysis and Synthesis 22
Response Inhibition Ability 23
Conclusions 27
3 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Healing
the Wounded Brain Through a Holistic Approach 33
J. Rajeswaran, D. Sadana and H. Kashyap
Cognitive Tasks and Mediation 35
Cognitive Tasks 35
Mediation 36
Psychological Services 38
Psychosocial Factors 38
Psychotherapy 38
Financial and Employment Issues 40
Family Therapy 42
Other Professional Services 46
Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation 48
Counseling and Therapy 51
Conclusions 52
4 EEG Neurofeedback Training in Clinical Conditions 57
J. Rajeswaran, C.N. Bennett, S. Thomas and K. Rajakumari
Alcohol Dependence Syndrome 59
Cognitive Impairment in ADS 60
Traumatic Brain Injury 63
Cognitive Impairment in TBI 64
Neurofeedback Training in TBI 65
Stroke 70
Cognitive Deficits in Stroke 70
EEG Neurofeedback Training in Stroke 70
Conclusion 73
5 Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Principles in
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 79
P.M. Sudhir
Introduction 79
Components of Applied Behavioral Analysis 81
Models for Assessment 82
Application of Reinforcement Principles in
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 83
Social Skills Training 85Contents vii
Other Behavior Therapy Procedures in TBI
Biofeedback and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 87
Applications of Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral
Programs in Self- and Emotion Regulation 87
Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
to Emotional Distress in TBI 90
Applications to Schizophrenia 90
The Role of Family 92
Case Illustrations 92
Conclusions 95
6 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Neurological
Conditions: A Circuitry Approach 103
J. Keshav Kumar
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 104
Attention Rehabilitation 104
Memory Rehabilitation 104
Executive Functions Training 105
Multimodal Interventions 105
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in India 105
Theories of Executive Functions 108
Neural Circuitry Mediating Executive Functions 110
Attention Training 112
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Based on Neural
Circuitry: Case Studies 115
Conclusion 119
7 Cognitive Remediation of Neurocognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia 123
S. Hegde, S.L. Rao, A. Raguram and B.N. Gangadhar
Neurocognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia 124
Cognitive Remediation: A Treatment Method to Ameliorate
Cognitive Deficits 126
Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia 127
Cognitive Remediation Using the Integrated Psychological
Intervention Program: A Case Illustration 130
Preintervention Assessment of the Patient 133
Preintervention Assessment of the Caregiver 133
The Cognitive Remediation Program 134
Attention 134
Focused Attention 135
Verbal Fluency 136
Information Processing 136
Response Inhibition 137
Working Memory 138
Visual Working Memory 138
Set Shifting 138
Motor Set-Shifting Tasks 139
Planning 140
Postintervention Assessment 142
2-Month Follow-Up Assessment 142
Global Functioning of the Patient at Postintervention
and at 2-Month Follow-Up Period 142
Postintervention Assessment of the Caregiver 142
Summary 143
Cognitive Remediation in the Early Phase of the Illness 144
Summary and Future Directions 146
8 Neuropsychological Intervention for Specific Learning
Disorder: An Innovative Approach 155
A. Sadasivan
Specific Reading Disorder 157
Phonological Awareness in the Indian Context 158
Specific Mathematical Disorder 159
Disorders of Written Expression 160
Specific Learning Disorder in the Indian Context 161
The School System in India 161
Prevalence of Learning Disorder in India 162
Interventions for Specific Learning Disorder in India 163
Issues Pertinent to the Indian Context 166
Conclusion 172
9 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Critical Analysis 177
A. Nehra, D. Sadana and J. Rajeswaran
Approaches to Cognitive Rehabilitation 179
Ideal Duration 179
Is Improvement and Generalization Just a Game of Numbers? 181
Economic Costs 182
Ill-Defined Outcome Measures 183
Frames of Reference 184
Dearth of Published Material 184
Future Directions 185
Research in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 185
Ethical Issues 187
Special Populations 187
Expanding Horizons 187
Educational Perspective 188
Prevention 189
Culture-Fair Therapy 1