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Fundamentals of Chemistry-Chemistry book for student

Fundamentals of Chemistry Romain Elsair

Fundamentals of Chemistry-Chemistry book for studentFundamentals of Chemistry-Chemistry book for student

Fundamentals of Chemistry-Chemistry book for student


Fundamentals of Chemistry

Aim of this Book
Scope of this Book

  1. Substances and Reactions

  • Classifying Substances
  • Solids, Liquids and Gases
  • Changing state
  • Element
  • Metals & Non-metals
  • Chemical symbols
  • Compound
  • Mixture
  • Physical separation
  • Physical and chemical change
  • Elements, mixtures or compounds?
  • Atomic theory
  • Chemical formulae
  • Ion
  • Naming Compounds

  1. Chemical Equations Subatomic Structure Relative Atomic Mass

  • Chemical equations
  • Atomic Structure
  • Fundamental subatomic particles
  • Chemical Masses
  • Mass spectrometer

  1. The Mole

  • Introduction
  • Why is the mole useful?
  • Molecules
  • Ionic compounds
  • Useful relationships involving the mole
  • Mass Percentage composition of elements in compounds
  • Empirical formulae of compounds
  • Th eoretical yield
  • Percentage yield
  • Limiting reagent

  1. Solutions and Concentrations

  • Introduction
  • Dissolving
  • Concentration
  • Changing volume
  • Most useful unit of concentration – Molarity
  • Equation to learn
  • Ionic Solutions
  • Diluting Solutions
  • The pH scale
  • Other units for concentration
  • Electromagnetic Radiation and Spectroscopy
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Definition of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
  • Energy of Light
  • Emission Spectra
  • Absorption Spectra
  • Uses of spectroscopy
  • Quantum theory
  • Interpreting electronic spectra
  • Quantum-Mechanical Model
  • Sublevels
  • s orbitals
  • p orbitals
  • d orbitals
  • Quantum Numbers
  • The Pauli Exclusion Principle
  • Electronic Configuration
  • The Aufb au Principle
  • Summary

  1. Electron Confi guration Bonding Redox equations

  • Valence Electrons and Bonding
  • Valence electrons
  • Bonding
  • Lewis diagrams
  • Single and multiple covalent bonds
  • Redox reactions
  • Summary

  1. Shapes of Molecules

  • Exceptions to the octet rule
  • Exceptions to the octet rule
  • Limitations of Lewis structures
  • Shapes of covalent molecules
  • Molecules with lone pairs
  • Distorted shapes
  • Exercise – What shape is an ammonia molecule?
  • Non-equivalent positions
  • Molecules with lone pairs
  • Limitations with Lewis structures
  • Metallic bonding
  • Ionic and Covalent
  • Electronegativity
  • Polar bonds
  • Intermolecular forces

  1. Chemical Bonding and Solid Structures

  • Introduction
  • Giant metallic structures and their properties
  • Giant Ionic structures and their properties
  • Molecular structures and their properties
  • Simple molecular structures and their properties

  1. Trends in the Periodic Table

  • Historical trends
  • Mendeleev’s table ()
  • Modern Periodic Table
  • Metals / non-metals
  • Physical Properties
  • Electronegativity
  • Trends across a Period
  • Trends down a Group

  1. Thermochemistry

  • Introduction
  • Forms of Energy
  • Energy and Chemical Reactions
  • Enthalpy, H
  • Heat Energy and Chemical Reactions
  • Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change
  • Endothermic reactions
  • Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change
  • Th ermochemical equations
  • Standard State Enthalpy Changes
  • Standard State Enthalpies
  • Specifi c heat capacity
  • Standard State Enthalpies
  • Summary

Keyword : chemistry reactions, free chemistry books,periodic table

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