Introductory Chemistry Edward Pitzer
Introductory Chemistry Edward Pitzer

Content of Introductory Chemistry Edward Pitzer
1.Standard Measurements
2.Distinctions and Classifications of Matter
3. Chemical Bonding
4. Chemical Reactions
5. Properties of Gases
6. Chemistry of Solutions
8. The Chemistry of Water: Acids and Bases
9. Electrochemistry
10.Nuclear Chemistry
11. Basic Organic Chemistry
12. Complex Organic Molecules
13. Basic Biological Chemistry
About the Author
Edward W. Pitzer is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics at Marian University in Indianapolis, Indiana in the USA.
Professor Pitzer’s specialty is introductory courses in chemistry and mathematics for non-science and non-mathematics majors.
His present research interest is in the pedagogical construct of these non-major courses. He insists that making a non-science major excited about, or at least intrigued by, a science or mathematics course is a worthwhile effort.
Professor Pitzer has published works describing mathematical properties of organic
molecules. Among these are his works describing topological constructs of organic
molecules and a recent work on a general formulization of hydrocarbons. These types
of works show both his predilection for chemistry and mathematics
Edward W. Pitzer is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics at Marian University in Indianapolis, Indiana in the USA.
Professor Pitzer’s specialty is introductory courses in chemistry and mathematics for non-science and non-mathematics majors.
His present research interest is in the pedagogical construct of these non-major courses. He insists that making a non-science major excited about, or at least intrigued by, a science or mathematics course is a worthwhile effort.
Professor Pitzer has published works describing mathematical properties of organic
molecules. Among these are his works describing topological constructs of organic
molecules and a recent work on a general formulization of hydrocarbons. These types
of works show both his predilection for chemistry and mathematics
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