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Absorbent nghĩa là gì – Từ điển hóa học

Định nghĩa Absorbent (chemistry)

Absorbent: danh từ, tính từ

1. Ý nghĩa của từ absorbent là gì: 

-Theo hóa học, y học nghĩa là:
  • Hấp thụ
  • Chất hấp thụ
-Một số ví dụ:
  • Absorbent paper: Giấy hấp thụ
  • Absorbent cotton: bông thấm, bông thấm nước
  • Absorbent solution: dung dịch hấp thụ

2. Thế nào là chất hấp thụ

Khái niệm hấp thụ:
  • Hấp thụ trong hóa học là hiện tượng vật lí hay hóa học mà ở đó các phân tử, nguyên tử hay các ion bị hút khuếch tán và đi qua mặt phân cách vào trong toàn bộ vật lỏng hoặc rắn. 
  • Quá trình hấp thu là quá trình cho một hỗn hợp khí tiếp xúc với dung môi lỏng nhằm mục đích hòa tan chọn lọc một hay nhiều cấu tử của hỗn hợp khí để tạo nên một dung dịch các cấu tử trong chất lỏng, pha khí sau hấp thu gọi là khí sạch, pha lỏng sau hấp thu gọi là dung dịch sau hấp thu.(nguồn:

3. Theo wiki

  • In chemistry, absorption is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules or ions enter some bulk phase – gas, liquid or solid material. This is a different process from adsorption, since molecules undergoing absorption are taken up by the volume, not by the surface (as in the case for adsorption). A more general term is sorption, which covers absorption, adsorption, and ion exchange. Absorption is a condition in which something takes in another substance. In many processes important in technology, the chemical absorption is used in place of the physical process, e.g., absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hydroxide – such acid-base processes do not follow the Nernst partition law. For some examples of this effect, see liquid-liquid extraction. It is possible to extract from one liquid phase to another a solute without a chemical reaction. Examples of such solutes are noble gases and osmium tetroxide.
  • Physical absorption or non-reactive absorption is made between two phases of matter: a liquid absorbs a gas, or a solid absorbs a liquid.
        When a liquid solvent absorbs a gas mixture or part of it, a mass of gas moves into the liquid. For example, water may absorb oxygen from the air. This mass transfer takes place at the interface between the liquid and the gas, at a rate depending on both the gas and the liquid. This type of absorption depends on the solubility of gases, the pressure and the temperature. The rate and amount of absorption also depend on the surface area of the interface and its duration in time. For example, when the water is finely divided and mixed with air, as may happen in a waterfall or a strong ocean surf, the water absorbs more oxygen.
        When a solid absorbs a liquid mixture or part of it, a mass of liquid moves into the solid. For example, a clay pot used to store water may absorb some of the water. This mass transfer takes place at the interface between the solid and the liquid, at a rate depending on both the solid and the liquid. For example, pots made from certain clays are more absorbent than others. Absorption is essentially a molecule attaching themselves to a substance and will not be attracted from other molecules.
  • Chemical absorption or reactive absorption is a chemical reaction between the absorbed and the absorbing substances. Sometimes it combines with physical absorption. This type of absorption depends upon the stoichiometry of the reaction and the concentration of its reactants.

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